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The Practice of Yoga

A Journey To The Self

The word yoga in Sanskrit, translates as 'union'. Yoga is an ancient practice that uses breathing techniques, physical postures, and meditation to deepen your awareness and expand your potential. The greater awareness you possess of your body and mind, the better you can use them.


Yoga uses pranayama (breathing techniques) and asanas (physical postures), to prepare the body and mind for meditation. Through meditation, one can gain deeper awareness of the mind's tendencies. The mind is not itself conscious, but is the instrument of consciousness. When you awaken the infinite consciousness that is concealed by conditioning of the mind and the ego, you can uncover your higher Self, the authentic spirit that is you.


The practice of yoga is a journey to the Self. The body and mind are interconnected and influenced by internal and external energy, so yogic practices can help uncover the layers of conditioning that affect you. Intention determines result. The more you ask of your yoga practice, the more you’ll get out of it.



Prana is known as 'life energy.' On a physical level, it is the energy that we breathe, but it is also the energy we can feel around us. Prana is the universal energy of consciousness and creation. It is the form of all energy working at every level of our being.


Scientists and physicists have acknowledged that every existing being can be reduced to a pattern or form of energy, which interacts and interconnects with other forms. So how we utilize the energy within us impacts our physical form and our mind. 

A primary method to balance our prana is through pranayama, or breathing techniques. The practice of yoga uses pranayama to direct prana throughout our body. Pranayama can bring positive transformations in body and mind.


According to the philosophy of yoga, the physical body is a manifestation of consciousness. Therefore the key to working with the body is to understand the consciousness behind it. Asanas, or physical postures, are used to increase awareness of the physical body and the mental and emotional states that are created within us.


Each asana has its own structural effect. They may provide stability, create flexibility, increase strength and energy levels, and stimulate our sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous systems. Since all bodies do not have the same structure, the experience of an asana can be different for each person. Asanas direct prana, or life energy, throughout the body.


As a key part of the ancient yogic practice, meditation requires one to focus inward and observe thoughts without attachment or judgement. Meditation can help one cultivate self-awareness through stillness and can uncover the expansiveness of one's consciousness and authentic Self.


Much of what we consider mind is in fact unconscious or subconscious, conditioning from our experiences, memories, and emotions. Through meditation, you can witness the mind's tendencies. Meditation asks us to be open to discomfort in the mind, to expose our inner complexities and ego and give them our full attention. 

Successful meditation is the act of meditating. It is a practice and experience that can reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and improve emotional wellbeing. Meditation teaches us to be present and brings us closer to self-realization and acceptance.

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